- Why did I take four pairs of shoes for a three day stay?
- Why did I take an outfit I never wore ?
- Why did I take two novels and three magazines? I barely read a page.
- Why did I take granola bars, tea bags and energy drink powder? My breakfasts and lunches were provided at the conference and my co-workers and I went out to dinner every night.
- Why did I take my ipod, ipod charger, and two sets of earbuds?
- Why did I take a camera with me to a work function? It's not like I would want memories to treasure in my dotage.
- Why did I take shampoo and conditioner when I always use the cute, good-smelling, little bottles on the hotel bathroom vanity?
- Same question for lotion.
- Why did I iron my clothes before I packed them?
- Why did I pack every medication known to man just in case I got sick and then forget to take take even my vitamins while I was away?
Just a few things to think about the next time I leave town.
that is a girl thing,I think. last week Mary made me pack a bunch of stuff I never wore. I knew I would not ware it. but I packed it anyway cause she told me to.
I just love reading your posting about cleaning and purging your "stuff". I particular enjoyed yesterday ('cause of course I just love news about my mom) and today I completely identified with the whole process. I finally put up stuff from Lubbock trip only because the maid was due to clean and I wanted the floor vacuumed. Of course she didn't show up but nontheless once I picked up everything it looked pretty good around here! Keep up the good works of purging. And I invite you to come visit and help me clean out the big box of Aunt Opal's things. Why O why can't I part with her things?? I suspect it is the same reason you listed for not parting with family things.
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