Wednesday, March 25, 2009

But I Would Never Sell My Soul

Once I decided to have a garage sale I ended up with a mess on my hands. All of the stuff purged from my daughter’s room is in limbo at the moment. Half of the stuff was already by the front door waiting to be hauled off when I got the brilliant idea of having a sale. I couldn’t leave it there until the sale (I actually saw nothing wrong with leaving it there, but my husband objected) – we haven’t even set a date for the sale yet. So, I fell back on one of my classic habits – I moved all of the boxes into Daughter #1’s room until we decide when and where to have the sale. At least one room is clean!

Thinking about having a garage sale has put a bounty on my stuff. I am seeing things in a new light now that I know there is money involved. I guess it is true what they say, “Everything has its price.” Or is it, “Everyone has their price?” Whichever, I am now rethinking some of my KEEPS, and considering attacking the dreaded garage project. Yes, I am that greedy.

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