Friday, March 27, 2009

Is It Cold In Here Or Is It Just Me?

A long day, not too much time for a cleaning/purging project, but I did clean out the upper compartment of my freezer (this is a small compartment normally only used for ice and frosted beer mugs). I opened the door to get some ice and discovered a paint brush in a plastic Ziploc bag from staining the hot tub this past summer. I read somewhere that if you put a wet paint brush in a plastic bag and store it in the freezer you can thaw it later and it is ready to paint with again. This is especially good if you have to stop in mid-project, know you will get back to it soon and don’t want to clean your brush. I don’t know what I thought I would get back to staining, but obviously it wasn’t pressing. It has been 10 months since I put the paintbrush in the freezer and I just today realized it was there. I guess it was time to clean out the freezer. The paintbrush was the biggest oddity, but running a close second was the Ziploc bag of ice, melted and refrozen in a shape to fit over my knee. I used this to ice my knee after my attempt at training for a half marathon. I haven’t attempted to run since August. Tomorrow I will move on to the main freezer section, God only knows what I’ll find in there!

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