Saturday, March 20, 2010


Today I did my civic duty. Today I served as a delegate to the Democratic County Convention. I begrudgingly gave my Saturday to join like-minded locals as representatives in the bigger political picture. I really didn’t want to go. I really (despite what all of my friends think) don’t want to get involved in the political scene. I find it difficult to fight off all of the disparaging comments I get just being my apolitical self. If I should choose to become politically active, God only knows what kind of harassment I would be subject to.

At the convention I saw so many of my dear, dear friends. Friends whom I should have known were Democrats, but because I don’t normally pigeon-hole my friends, I wasn’t sure what their political leanings were. A defining moment of the afternoon was when I saw a former neighbor and we began a long overdue visit.

“I hear you are teaching yoga,” I said.

“Yes, I feel that it has an overarching message,” she said. “I took my son with me to drop off the recycling and I said to him – this is what it is all about. Everyone doing what is important for everyone else in the world.”

I loved how my friend tried to explain to her son what IT IS ALL ABOUT. It is all about DOING WHAT IS RIGHT FOR EVERYONE. I had a great experience today while doing my civic duty. I am proud to be a free-thinking (and thinking) member of the United States of America. I am proud to be a consciousness member of the Democratic Party of Texas. In spite of being a minority in State and National politics – I shall proudly hold my head high and continue to do my civic duty for the country I was born into and am trying to be a part of.

Perhaps we should all take a lesson from my yoga-instructor friend – let’s do what is right for not only ourselves, but for the rest of the world.


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