Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Four More Days of Lent

Four more days! Four more days and I will reach my goal of blogging every day during Lent! It has been difficult. Usually I write a blog when the spirit moves me or when I get a particularly good idea (or when my writing group makes me feel like a slacker for not submitting any work), but during this Lenten challenge I have blogged even when I didn’t feel like it, even when I had nothing to blog about (like tonight).

What have I learned or gained from this exercise? Well, according to my Aunt Mary, our family’s expert on all things holy, one is supposed to finish Lent realizing that they can continue to do, or not do, what ever it was they said they would do, or not do, even after Easter Sunday. This theory totally blows all of the past Lenten seasons when I gave up drinking only to consume massive amounts of alcohol at Easter lunch. I never knew I was supposed to realize I could live without red wine forever, or sweets – really? Does anyone really think I will never eat chocolate again?

But the discipline I have gained by forcing myself to write my blog everyday has been good. I do hope I can continue to write daily even after Lent. But just hoping for something vs. feeling like I have a religious reason to prove something are two different things. I still have the rest of the week to finish this challenge – say a prayer for me and hide the chocolate bunnies and malt-ball eggs come Easter morning.

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