Friday, April 17, 2009

More Cabinet Clutter

I cleaned out the third and final shelf in the bathroom cabinet behind the door in the master bathroom this evening. This final shelf held, among other things, two bins full of “stuff”. One bin held medicines; prescription and over the counter. The other bin held first aid supplies. I tackled the bins first, and then moved on to the miscellaneous “stuff” occupying the remainder of the shelf space.

The medicine bin was an embarrassing arsenal of outdated drugs. I threw things away that expired in 2003, 2004, and 2005. I figure anything later than 2005 probably wouldn’t kill me so I kept it. Some of the drugs were so old they didn’t even have expiration dates; I threw those away, too. I did run across the “Caring for Your Child” and “Your Infant & Child” booklets given to me by the Pediatrician when my daughters were born. I will pass them on to them one day so they can access the wisdom of Dr. Glenn Boris, the best Pediatrician in the entire universe (saving the life of Daughter #2 certainly earned him this title).

The first aid bin was a little less disturbing. No out of date ointments or bug bite remedies, just lots of Band-Aids, an Ace Bandage, Neosporin, and sterile cotton. I do have more rubbing alcohol than I will be able to use in my lifetime and several bottles of hydrogen peroxide. If anyone gets a cut at my house they can rest assured that I will be able to clean, sterilize and bandage.

The miscellaneous items hidden on the top shelf, behind the bins were a hodge-podge. A dental cement replica of my teeth (upper and lower) made when I was in Jr. High and had to have a tooth capped, the result of diving into the shallow end of the swimming pool while trying to show-off for a cute older boy. I also found a heating/cooling pad apparatus that straps around the waist to apply heat/cold to the back and a back massager that resembles a bumpy rolling pin. And just when I thought I couldn’t possibly find any more lotion or shampoo I ran across a few more bottles hidden at the very back of the shelf.

My blog readers will sleep better tonight knowing that I have an organized cabinet and I won’t be purchasing duplicate toiletry items anytime soon. Just think of the money I’ll save, it is truly mind boggling.

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