Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Junk in the Trunk

If you listen to hip hop music the title of this blog has an entirely different meaning from the one I intend. I am blogging about cleaning out the back of my SUV, not a trunk exactly, but I really wanted to use this title so sue me for using a little poetic license. I went out of town this weekend and had to use the back of my SUV for bags, which made me think about the “stuff” I routinely store in the back of my vehicle. This is quite a large cargo storage area and I can’t resist stashing “stuff” when I have such a roomy option.

I usually carry around some miscellaneous recycling stuff, either boxes full of glass or plastic bottles awaiting drop off at my neighborhood recycling center or empty boxes or sacks making the return trip back to the house.

I also keep dog “stuff” in the back of my car. An orange and black velour blanket I try to put on the back seat when the dogs go on car rides with me, a spare leash, and a few dog treats. (My bank gives these at the drive-thru window when the dogs are with me.)

My husband accuses me of using my vehicle as an office on wheels, and he is partially correct. I have work folders, books, receipts, and sometimes even a portable file box in “the back room of my mobile office.”

Part of my job takes me to a farm, so I always have a hat or two, a couple of jackets, a pair of dirty sneakers, and a pair of work gloves. Sometimes I even carry around gardening tools; a rake or a hoe (and no, I am not referencing the hip hop music theme again).

I would be remiss if I failed to remind you of my garage sale/estate sale addiction. There is usually some evidence of this habit in my car as well.

So, did I clean out the back of my vehicle for this blog? Of course not, I’m just flaunting the junk in my trunk.

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