Thursday, April 30, 2009

Garden Possibilities

By now it has probably become painfully obvious that I do not want to clean the hall closet. I have employed every method of procrastination I can think of, I’ve jogged through my neighborhood and critiqued (and pissed off) my neighbors and today I even worked on the garden project (from April 1 blog – I’ve Got To Clean My Garden.) I have made major headway in the garden, so I should be excused for blowing off the hall closet project. So for now, while there are no mosquitoes and it isn’t too hot, I am giving the garden priority over the hall closet. As soon as the mosquitoes land I will be driven back into the house.

I have moved trash, raked, hoed (no hoe jokes), hauled soil and planted. I am really excited about this summer’s garden. Spring brings out the optimism in a gardener. One must be an optimist to plant a seed and expect the final result to be food. I have a lot more work ahead of me, but I have made tremendous headway. My garden area was formerly the hidden junk area of our yard. We opened it up last year for a garden, but I got sick mid-summer and couldn’t see the project to completion. I am psyched to finish the clean up and have a summer crop. Anything is better than cleaning out the hall closet!

1 comment:

BigAssBelle said...

I am also excited about the garden this year. I'm not sure why some years are different from others, just happy that this is one of the good years.

I think part of it is that I'm increasingly interested in growing a LOT of our food, not just a little extra. That's been fun, as I'm trying different crops and working beds in a different way to extend the season, make the best use of space.

We'll see. I hope it's a good year. I was really worried about water, and now it's rained all week. Sigh. Sink or swim, drought or flood. Never in between for us.

I'm glad I found you :-) I think we're kindred spirits.