Thursday, June 4, 2009


In my part of the world hot summer days often bring evening thunderstorms; not much rain – just clouds showing off with their ominous formations and lots of lightening and crazy wind. It is quite beautiful to watch as long as you don’t expect rain. If you expect rain you will be sorely disappointed.

I sat outside this evening watching a storm roll in from the east. What a gorgeous contrast – the setting sun in the west illuminating the trees on one side as they were darkened on the other by the storm. (Yes, I know I should have been inside cleaning my hall closet – but the mosquitoes haven’t yet arrived, so I’m taking advantage of the evenings while I can.) Besides, there is just something about an impending storm that is too great to resist, even if I know it will bring no rain. There is lightening in the distance and the low rumble of thunder so far off it is difficult to detect. I might not have noticed the thunder had it not been for my storm-phobic Border Collie, Chloe’ Belle. The poor dear is scared to death of storms. She prefers to be snug inside her kennel whenever there is a threat of thunder, even if that threat is hundreds of miles away. I, on the other hand, enjoy sitting outside on the patio until the last dry minute. Tonight I was tricked by mother nature and we did get some rain. Now it is a matter of waiting to see just how much. Will I still need to water my garden in the morning? Perhaps I should develop a Border Collie sensory exam to determine my watering needs. I just might be on to something!

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