Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mean People Suck

My week has been shattered by a mean and senseless act. The act didn’t even happen to me, it happened to my daughter, which makes it much worse. My daughter was a victim of a random act of violence. She left her house last night to join the family for our weekly dinner with my 102 year old grandmother only to discover someone had thrown a brick through her car window. Not only did the vandals shatter the passenger side window, they shattered the front windshield and caused significant damage to the roof of the car and the back window. There was nothing in her car to steal except for an inexpensive cell phone charger which they left. Apparently the point of the car bashing exercise was just to destroy someone else’s property. Why would anyone do this?

After the police were called, car windows were taped over, padlocks were secured to the backyard gates, and a can of mace was purchased, my daughter joined us for dinner. She was uncharacteristically quiet all evening and when we left I encouraged her to come home with us to spend the night in her old bedroom. She refused, saying she couldn’t be afraid to stay at her own home. The bastards could destroy her car, but they didn’t destroy her.

Today I chauffeured her around while her car was having the glass replaced (at a significant cost, as she only has liability insurance on her vehicle). I tried to get her to talk about how she felt about the incident, but she informed me it was over, in the past, and she was ready to move on. Bravo! I am so proud of her for not letting the mean people win. By refusing to let the bad guys get her down she has won.

There will always be good and evil in the world. As long as there is more good we have a fighting chance.

1 comment:

Gene Jeansonne said...

Mean people must live a misurable life with no joy. That's sad. They must not have any idea about how good life can be. I choose not to be a mean person. I agree with Carol Ann, life is too short and you can not let mean people distroy your joy or make you live in fear.

Peace be with you