Thursday, June 25, 2009

Double or Nothing

Yesterday I removed five things from the hall closet. Today I am going for ten!
  1. A wooden candle holder holding a melted, out of shape white taper candle. I am putting the candle holder in the garage sale bin and throwing away the candle.
  2. A bag containing the leftover invitations to my best friend’s daughter’s wedding shower dated September 9, 2007. I am throwing these away and wondering why I kept them in the first place.
  3. Two large red wooden treble clefs with Daughter #2’s Junior High School band years and instruments (flute and percussion) stenciled on them. I cannot bring myself to throw these away so my husband is taking them to Daughter # 2’s house in the morning and she can decide to keep them at her house or throw them away.
  4. A box full of plastic notebook sheets designed to hold collector cards. I have no idea why I have these; no one in my family has ever collected any kind of card. Garage sale.
  5. A small basket. Garage sale.
  6. A large basket perfect for gathering vegetables in my garden. That’s what I will do with it.
  7. A small canning jar. I still think I am going to can something, so I’m keeping this.
  8. An Electronic Crossword Puzzle game that I have never been able to figure out. Garage sale – maybe someone else can make it work.
  9. A ceramic jar I bought at a garage sale because I thought it was pretty. Garage sale.
  10. A spiral notebook from 1999 containing notes on colleges for Daughter #1. I hate to throw this away. This is one of those things that seems ridiculous to keep, but it is really hard to part with. What to do, what to do?

That’s today’s ten – not a huge accomplishment, but every little bit helps. Right?

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I think #10 can go. If you want to hold on to the baseball card sleeves, SJSV can use them. . . glad you're back!