Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The First Harvest

At the farm we have been harvesting all spring. Things like lettuce and greens, strawberries and snow peas. But in my small backyard garden things have not been so prolific. Yesterday I saw the first fruit of my labor; yesterday I had the first backyard garden harvest of the season. So what if it wasn’t much. I proudly carried it into the house, washed it as tenderly as I would a newborn babe, and then admired it and showed it off to my husband. I even photographed it. When my husband reminded me that I should eat it, I sliced it into tiny rounds and savored each peppery bite (I even shared with husband). It may not have been much of a harvest, but it was the best radish I’ve ever eaten!

1 comment:

Gene Jeansonne said...

The fruit of your labor? looks like the vegitable of your lobor.