Friday, December 3, 2010

Countdown to Christmas Day Three

Tchotchke (Typically pronounced "CHACH-kee") are small toys, gewgaws, knickknacks, baubles, lagniappes, trinkets, or kitsch. The term has a connotation of worthlessness or disposability, as well as tackiness.

Thirty years of Christmas decorating has left me with a lot of Christmas “crap.” Ornaments and decorations that I can’t bring myself to throw away because they have some strange sentimental value attached to them. Typically, when I decorate the house for Christmas I use my discretion about what I will (or won't) put out on any particular year. This year, however, I am not the one decorating, my husband is, and apparently he doesn’t know about the discretionary rule – he’s putting everything out. Now, I realize it sounds like I am complaining – but I swear I’m not! I am thrilled that I don’t have to decorate. I am thrilled that my husband is taking care of everything this year. I’m even thrilled to see some of the tchotchkes that haven’t left the storage boxes in years.

If you are familiar with the origin of this blog you know that I have trouble throwing anything away, and Christmas items seem to be especially difficult to part with – even if I know I will never put them on display again. What kinds of things am I talking about? Let me give you just a few examples:

A cardboard Christmas wreath ornament with shell macaroni glued to it and spray painted gold.

A wooden triangle painted green to look like a Christmas tree with kindergarten candy canes drawn on it.

A bazillion circa 1980 wooden Christmas crafts purchased at craft shows.

All of my mother’s glass ball Christmas ornaments, most of which have faded and have splotchy surfaces.

Three felt elves with plastic faces that were once (probably 1955) decorations on a Christmas package.

My youngest daughter’s green handprints in the shape of a wreath dated 1991.

This is only the beginning of the list – but I won’t go on, I’m too busy looking at all of my cool stuff (I mean "crap") that I haven’t had on display for years. I’m glad my husband didn’t use discretion while decorating the house for Christmas - I'm having a really fun walk down Christmas tchotchke memory lane.

1 comment:

Susan Tomlinson said...

Goodness, gold-painted macaroni. I haven't thought of that in years...