Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Excitement

My sister and her family arrive tonight. I am so excited! I feel like a kid at Christmas (or the kid on the Disneyworld commercial – “I’m too excited to sleep!”) A sister should be a best friend, a confidant, a touchstone to your shared history, and a guiding light toward the future. My sister is all that to me and more.

I credit our parents with the close-knit relationships I have with my siblings. They taught us, by example, the important role family plays in our life. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, in-laws, and out-laws are all key to my happiness, but there is something special about a sibling, and there is nothing in the universe like a sister. My mother and her four sisters taught me that from an early age – my aunts still show me daily the importance of sisters.

For two short days I will get to cram in all of the holiday fun I can stand. We will shop, cook, reminisce, laugh, cry, stay up too late, eat and drink too much (at least I will), and do what sisters do – love each other and make more memories to tide us over until we get a chance to do it all again.

Little did I know, all those years ago when we shared a bedroom with twin beds, royal blue quilted bedspreads and a bay window, when I thought she was a pest, that I would one day look so forward to seeing her. They are on the road now, making the long drive for Thanksgiving - my brother-in-law, my niece, my two nephews, and my sister, my best friend. I’m too excited to sleep

1 comment:

Eminia said...

Thanks giving excitement is always there but the thing which is important that how we are showing this :) Closed Loop Recycling