Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good Excuse

This morning I decided I would re-commit to my blog. I have been a slacker-blogger and I must repent. When I noticed I had 3 blog entries for the month of July by the 21st of the month and then saw I had 25 blog entries in the month of February I knew there was a problem. What happened to my desire to clean/purge my house of the 25 years accumulation of crap? Life happened!

Today as I left my office at 6:00 p.m., while simultaneously making a frantic phone call to my husband and trying to figure out why the electronic gate at the exit of the parking lot didn't work, I reminded myself that I had to blog (which, in theory, means I should clean something). But we had our weekly family dinner to get to. Arriving almost thirty minutes late I had the fleeting thought that I would forgo the requisite wine at our "Wednesday- Winers" dinner. Alas, that thought lasted all of 30 seconds. Three hours later, and three glasses of wine later, as I left the family dinner I remembered I still had a grocery store stop to make.

Once home and groceries unpacked, blog remorse began to set in - so here I am! It is nearing my bedtime after a full day, and I'm fretting about cleaning something to write my blog about. My husband gave me the perfect out - "Just say you spent the evening with your 102 year old grandmother and that is more important than cleaning anything."

So there you have it, I spent the evening with my 102 year old grandmother and that is more important than cleaning anything!

1 comment:

Mary Owen Jeansonne said...

Amen! Much more important!