Saturday, June 12, 2010


gimcrackery n 1: ornamental objects of no great value [syn: folderal, falderol, frill, gimcrackery, gimcrack, nonsense, trumpery]
The word above is from today’s “Do I Really Want to Increase My Vocabulary” Blog
I decided to write this blog about gimcrackery because a friend of mine, after his first visit to my home, was shocked by the amount of gimcrackery I own.
The following day he emailed me this:
with Anu Garg
(kon-JEER-eez, KON-juh-reez)
noun: A collection of miscellaneous things.
From Latin congeries (heap), from congerere (to heap up), from con- (with) + gerere (to carry).
"What an unsightly congeries of mismatched assets the McGuinty government seems to have in mind."

In the same email he requested the web address for my “congeries” blog. I gave him the website of this dear blog and I haven’t heard from him since. This leads me to believe he is either (a) still reading about all of my stuff/gimcrackery/congeries, or (b) he is horrified and has decided he no longer wants to associate with me. Oh, well – back to purging my gimcrackery, or at least writing about it.

1 comment:

tvignos said...

I am here. I cannot think of a better place to go. Technically, attending my cousin's wedding in Colorado Springs. Driving back to the Lubb on Sunday