Monday, January 4, 2010


I suppose routine is a good thing. I'm ready to go back to work, being one of those crazy, lucky people who likes their job. As much as I've enjoyed the idleness of days off, I am ready for my schedule.

I awoke to an alarm clock this morning rather than to the dogs begging to be let out. I had yogurt and coffee for breakfast instead of homemade jalapeno cheese biscuits and Bloody Marys. I took a quick shower in place of a long bath and I dressed for work and was out of the door before 8 a.m., forfeiting my p.j.s and morning nap. My day had a plan and a purpose. I accomplished things.

I have discovered I am much like a three year old, I'm better behaved when I stick to a routine. Not one single time-out today!

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