Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Don’t say it, bite my tongue, resist temptation, take the high road, leave the room. I am so tired of censoring myself while others voice opinions which I think are idiotic. I was raised to be nice, polite, sensitive to others’ feelings. Am I the only civil person left in the United States of America?

This is one of those times when I really, really miss my parents. My mother always knew the right thing to say (and it was from her I learned to be so accommodating), and my daddy always stood up for me, even when he disagreed with me. I need a champion.

But, I don't really want to be that person who doesn't bite her tongue, resist temptation, or take the high road. The person I am is the person whom my parents made. I will continue to bite my tongue, resist temptation, take the high road, leave the room. I owe it to them. Thanks, Mom and Dad for making me the person I am, even if I find it very frustrating at times.

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